How to perform a self breast exam

Being breast aware is about familiarizing yourself with how your breasts look and feel so that you can easily detect if any changes occur. According to Johns Hopkins Medical Center, forty percent of breast cancers are detected by women who discovered their own lump.


1 - Pick the same time every month

  • If you are premenopausal, it is best to perform your self breast exam towards the end of your menstrual period.

  • If you are postmenopausal, then you can perform your self breast exam on any day. Pick a day of the month and perform your exam on that day every month.


2 - Inspect your breasts in the mirror

Look at your breasts in a mirror with your arms by your side and then over your head. Get to know their shape, size and color. Take note of any abnormalities such as swelling, dimpling or bulging of your skin, redness, and changes in your nipples. 


3 - Feel for changes in the shower

Use the pads of your 3 middle fingers to feel your entire breasts. Apply a medium-firm pressure and move in a circular and then up-down motion. Check for lumps or thickened areas. Don’t forget to also check your armpits.

4 - Repeat lying down

You should also perform your exam lying down. With your hand behind your head, use the fingers of your opposite hand to examine your entire breast and armpit. Apply a medium-firm pressure and move in a circular and then up-down motion. Look for any changes and then repeat on the other breast and armpit. 


If you notice any changes, promptly speak to your healthcare team.

Early detection is key! So remind all the women in your life to perform their breast self-exam today.


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