Moving Beyond Together

“After my bilateral mastectomy, I followed the post-surgery exercise program as suggested, hoping for a prompt and full recovery. Despite my efforts, the procedure left me with some numbness, tightness and discomfort in my shoulders, arms and chest area, which interfered with my range of motion and my day-to-day activities.

I decided to consult Amanda. From my first visit, not only was I encouraged by the suggestion that my condition could be temporary and possibly improved, the tightness and pulling in my chest and arms got some much-needed relief. By communicating and working with Amanda, my recovery has been progressive. The treatments I receive during my appointments and the exercise plan I follow between visits have been successful in improving my condition. Regaining my physical abilities and returning to my daily activities without pain or discomfort, I now consider an achievable goal.

Cancer challenges us emotionally, mentally and physically. Healing begins when we nurture all 3 components. By seeking specialized services that can support us in some of our needs, recovery can be facilitated and an overall sense of well-being attained.“

— Louise, 54

“A few months after I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I developed lymphedema in my arm. I was frustrated and annoyed ... more limitations coming my way. I was constantly having to choose between doing activities with my family/friends and knowing that the very next day I would be on the couch in agony or staying home « safely » but feeling isolated from my loved ones. I was missing out on life!!!! I tried hard to balance both, but this was no long-term solution.

I started seeing Amanda in hopes that she could give me a little relief when it came to my aching arm/shoulder and my many other side-effects. I was making regular appointments and saw an incredible improvement in my mobility and my pain management. She taught me about the importance of daily stretches, self-care, exercises tailored to my needs and complex lymphatic therapy.

All of that was key to me finding that “new normal” life. I am now able to enjoy a lot of the activities I use to do prior to having cancer. What brings me comfort is knowing that I can do something about my condition and side-effects. I can help myself! I no longer have to suffer and feel limited on a daily basis. Thank you Amanda for all the knowledge you gave me!”

— Natalia, 37

“After a double mastectomy with reconstruction for stage 2 breast cancer I was sent home from the hospital with no mention of exercise, physiotherapy or any of the side effects that I may experience. Thank goodness I found Amanda! She helped me through a very painful cord and scar tissue restrictions.

There is a lot of work to be put in after surgery to get back to “normal”. With her help every step of the way, I was able to calm my worries, heal and learn how to identify any aches and pains that come along after breast surgery. I learned through Amanda about lymphedema and what to watch out for and how to get back to exercise safely with my worry about lymphedema.

I tell everyone I know who is going through this journey, that rehabilitation is one of the most important parts of your physical healing. I’m 2 years post surgery and have regained 99% of my mobility and feel great.”

— Caroline, 43

“I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in 2016. In 2018, I had surgery and opted for a double mastectomy with no reconstruction. Post surgery, I was experiencing a lot of pain, tightness in my shoulders and chest, as well as numbness and spasms in my hand on the cancer side. I thought it was something I would have to learn to live with, because when I spoke to my surgeon about the side-effects there was no real advice or help.

I researched, and through social media I discovered that I didn’t need to learn to live with these side-effects. I found Amanda and she listened to all my issues and we have since worked on all of them. My quality of life is much improved and my discomfort has decreased. My shoulders are much improved, chest tightness as well. I am no longer having the spasms in my hand and the numbness only happens occasionally. I will admit to not being the best with doing my homework (lol) and still have great results. I have learnt that I need to move, and stretch and be active or the issues slowly return.

The best part is that Amanda listens, works on figuring out the problems, and is always there for you. So many people are not aware that physiotherapy post breast surgery can help your recovery. I wish I would have known all this before my surgery, so I could have prepared my body before, so I would have been set up for success and a speedy recovery after.”

— Megan, 49

"When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, I had no idea what kind of side effects I might have to deal with in the future, as a result of surgery and treatment. Given that multiple lymph nodes were removed during surgery, I was suddenly at risk for lymphedema and was dealing with limitations to my arm that were quite distressing. As someone who vowed to be more active going forward, it was a bit of a dilemma!

Thankfully, I was introduced to Amanda and together we have worked on moving and exercising my arm in such a way as to alleviate pain and swelling, allow for better range of movement and last but not least, give me the confidence I need to continue my activities and to try new ones! Amanda’s approach is very proactive and I have benefitted greatly from her knowledge and openness. She goes above and beyond for her patients and it is obvious that our successes become her successes. We are very fortunate to have such a dedicated and ambitious young woman working towards making our lives after breast cancer better!"

— Stephanie, 50

Let’s work together!