Breast Cancer Coaching

Open to anyone worldwide

Breast cancer recovery is complex and navigating the physical, emotional, and mental challenges associated with your diagnosis can often feel all-consuming and so far beyond your reach.

But, how are you suppose to know how to recover if no one ever provided you with the tools and guidance needed to so?

What if you could add a little more certainty to the unpredictability of your cancer treatments?

What if you could reclaim control of your health and your well-being?

What if you could better support yourself to optimize your recovery and healing?

I can help you live well with less uncertainty, more knowledge, and an improved quality of life. I can help you reclaim you.

As a Certified Breast cancer coach,

I am here to provide you with the knowledge, tools, guidance, and support that you need to take healing into your own hands and live well beyond breast cancer.

You don’t have to face this journey alone.

It helps to have a partner. 

A partner who can provide you with evidence-based education, resources, self-care techniques, and therapeutic exercises to help you optimize your healing and recovery.

A partner who can empower and support you as you reclaim your health, wellness, and life after breast cancer.

I am here to be your partner.

With Amanda’s guidance, you can …

Reduce your risk of recurrence

Improve the look and feel of your scars

Improve your movement and flexibility after surgery and radiation therapy

Reduce your risk of lymphedema

Learn how to manage early-onset lymphedema

Fight cancer-related fatigue

Increase your energy levels

Make simple and lasting lifestyle changes

Better manage your stress and negative emotions

Learn how to nourish your body and mind with the right foods to support your healing

Get back to physical activity safety

Build a trusting partnership between your body and mind

Learn how to manage menopause symptoms

Improve your sleep quality

As your recovery partner, Amanda is committed to providing you with evidence-based education, practical tools, and individualized exercises, so that you can take an active role in your recovery and live well beyond breast cancer.  

The Initial Session

Meeting you where you are …

Before our first appointment together, you will complete a comprehensive questionnaire, to provide me with better understanding of your history, needs, concerns and valves. We all have a unique story, and I’m mindful of yours.

Then during our initial 60-minute session, we will spend time freely discussing your health and well-being, to prioritize areas that are most important to you in your journey to healing. We will then determine your immediate and long-term goals, and together establish a personalized self-care plan best suited for you.

You will walk away from our initial consultation with a better understanding of what your body has been through, as well as with tangible tips and tools that you can start implementing immediately.

Follow Up Sessions

… & helping you get to where you want to be.

During our 45-minute follow-up sessions, I will continue to provide you with on-going tools, knowledge, and support, allowing you to get one step closer to your health and wellness goals.

Our sessions together may include:  

  • Demonstration of scar release techniques to improve the look and feel of your scars and help you feel better in your skin.

  • Targeted exercises to improve any pain, limited shoulder mobility, chest tightness, and “cording” due to surgery or radiation.

  • Desensitization/sensory re-education techniques to improve symptoms of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy.

  • Evidence-based education to help you get a better understanding of your treatments and side effects, so that you can confidently make informed self-care decisions to optimize your recovery and reduce your risk of recurrence.

  • Individualized education on your risk for developing lymphedema and guidance on how to reduce your lymphedema risk factors.

  • Practical tools to help you overcome a number of cancer-related side effects, including fatigue, brain fog, hot flashes, etc.

  • Nutritional support help you detox after cancer treatments and better support your body through recovery.

  • Email and text support in-between sessions.

  • Lifetime access to a private Facebook group to connect with other patients and have continued support from me!

  • & MUCH MORE!

ready to have recovery partner?

Coaching is for you if …

  • Coaching is open to everyone, regardless of stage of recovery. If you were just diagnosed, are currently undergoing active treatment or finished your treatment years ago, coaching is for you.

  • You are living with treatment-related side effects, such as pain, decreased shoulder movement, chest tightness, fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, etc.  

  • You want to understand and reduce your risk of lymphedema.

  • You want to have a better understanding of what your body has been through, so that you can optimize your healing and recovery.

  • You want to integrate health promoting behaviors to reduce your risk of recurrence.


  • I understand that cancer can take a toll on you, both physically and emotionally, and that when your treatments are done, while you are expected to feel your best, you can often feel your worst - left with worries, no sense of real direction and a number of treatment-related side effects.

    A coach coach is there to help you navigate through your entire cancer journey with more certainty, more knowledge and an improved quality of life.

    We provide you with individualized education, care, guidance and support, so that you can better understanding your treatments, what’s to come, and how to move forward. Holistic cancer coaches focus on the whole body when it comes to your recovery.

  • Yes! My coaching services are available to anyone, regardless of your location.

  • All of my coaching sessions are virtual, for the time being. As your privacy and safety is my priority, I use a HIPAA-compliant platform which you can access from your phone, tablet, or computer.

  • That is completely up to you! How long we work together depends on your goals and what you hope to accomplish. Every person and situation is unique, so we will tailor our coaching schedule to meet YOUR needs!

    As coaching takes place over time, I typically suggest meeting every week or every other week for a period of 3 months, upon which we will then re-evaluate our goals and plan. However, there is NO time commitment. I am open to anything that helps you achieve your goals. If one session works best for you, then that works for me.

  • Yes, absolutely! I completed an in-depth certification in Holistic Cancer Coaching from the organization. Thus, I have extensive knowledge in an array of areas including conventional and integrative approaches to cancer treatment, management, supportive care, and survivorship.

    In addition to being a certified cancer coach, I am also a physical therapist trained in breast cancer rehabilitation and a certified lymphedema therapist! My approach is thus very unique, as I use my different professional “hats” to see the FULL picture of your recovery.

    I use a whole-body approach to helping you achieve your wellness and health goals.

  • Cancer coaching is more forward leaning. I meet you where you currently are, and help you get to where you want to be. Together, we will help you move forward, by determining your health and wellness goals, and creating a personalized plan to help you achieve those goals.

  • All coaching services are billed as “coaching”.