Manual Lymphatic Drainage & Lymphedema

Lymphedema is best managed by manual lymphatic drainage …. False!

Upon meeting a new lymphedema client, I often get asked “Do you do manual lymphatic drainage?” And while the answer is yes, I always feel the need to provide a little clarity.

Is manual lymphatic drainage beneficial for lymphedema? Yes.

Is lymphatic drainage ALONE effective for managing lymphedema? The answer is no, and unfortunately many people have the misconception that it is THE way to manage lymphedema.

Lymphatic drainage is important, but it is only a small component of the treatment of lymphedema. In order to manage lymphedema, we need to ensure that all the other components of Complex Decongestive Therapy (CDT) are being put into place, such as compression, exercise and proper skin care.

In addition to all these components of CDT, to truly manage lymphedema we also need to work WITH our client and use a whole-person approach. This means helping our client to address any additional factors that may be directly or indirectly compromising their lymphatic system, and providing them with supportive resources along the way. As a Complex Lymphatic Therapist, my role is to help my client optimize their overall health and wellness - not just their lymphatic health.

So, the management of lymphedema is much more than lymphatic drainage; it truly requires a whole-person approach.


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